Wasted Time is Wasted Life

The length of our existence is determined by the length of our time. From the moment we are born to the moment of our death, the time we have in between is numbered. That is why we should make the most of our time knowing that wasted time is a wasted life.

Our lives are too short to be wasted in trivialities and nonsensicalities. Let us fight for the proper use of our time knowing that wasted time will just burn in the judgment day. Christ has loved us with an everlasting love. He showed it on the cross when he suffered and died on our behalf. He purchased us with his precious blood. We are not our own. We are now his. As his treasured possession, He watches us with a jealous love, not wanting us to devote ourselves to broken cisterns that could not hold water. He wants us to time and time again be quenched from our spiritual thirst by drinking in His fountain. Truly, nothing in this world could ever satisfy. Only Christ, our living Water, could end our soul’s spiritual dryness.

Since we are his treasured possessions, all that we have actually belong to Him. And that includes our time. We are too stewards not owners. And as responsible stewards, we are to make sure that we do not waste the time that God has given us.

Let us cultivate eternal mindsets; doing things in light of eternity for the glory of God. Let us invest what we do with our time with the purpose of laying treasures in heaven. Knowing that at the end of our lives, all that we do for the Lord are the things that would truly matter and last for eternity. Our lives are merely dots in light of the never-ending straight line of eternity. Let us use our time wisely knowing that wasted time is a wasted life.

Author: justinmykoagpangan

I don't know where to pour out my thoughts so I've decided to pour it out on my blog posts. I want to encourage and enlighten people through my blog posts so I really hope that I'd be a blessing to you as the reader. I just want also to take this opportunity to say how much I appreciate the people who have read my blog posts. Thank you in advance! :) Feel free to comment your questions, criticisms, and encouragements. I'd really appreciate it.

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