When the Desire to be Accepted Sets in

We long to be accepted. Sadly, we look for acceptance in the wrong places. Usually, we look for acceptance from our families, our workmates, and our friends. If we make the acceptance from the people in our lives as something that we derive our value from then we would be distressed every time people do not affirm us. It could be a snare that would make us please people rather than God.

So, what do we when the desire to be accepted sets in?

The greatest acceptance that we could ever receive is the acceptance that God gives when a person puts his faith in Jesus Christ. In Christ, we are eternally accepted by our Father. In Christ, there is nothing that we could ever do for our Father to disown us. The acceptance that we receive from the Creator and Sustainer of the universe should overshadow the acceptance that we try to achieve from other people whose opinion does not truly matter. At the end of the day, only God could rightfully judge us and hold us accountable. No matter how people accuse us, it would not matter because we are covered by the righteousness of Christ. On that basis, we are accepted by our righteous Father.

So, let us learn to cultivate hearts that make the acceptance of our Father our utmost joy. And let us learn to train our hearts that it is okay to not be accepted by the world so long as we make our Father smile. May God be of ultimate importance in our lives and may we rid ourselves of the entanglements of this world.

Let us also learn to live for the audience of One. Our God should be the only Audience that we should please. He alone deserves our all because He has given us His all, namely His Son Jesus. Let us learn to live for Him alone and let us stop living for ourselves and others.