Gazing at the Night Sky

Usually, it’s part of my routine for the week to gaze at the night sky while walking. This activity has proved beneficial to my soul. The vastness of the night sky always makes me think how small I am in comparison. It shifts my mind back to God who is the center of the universe. Everything revolves around Him. It’s all about Him and Him alone and not me.

Gazing at the night sky also stirs up awe in my soul knowing that it is God who holds everything in the palm of His hand. It’s comforting to be reminded that the God who sustains the universe is the same God who sustains and guides me. He has the power to hold the moon and the stars in its place and it is that same power that holds me. The vastness of the night sky speaks of God’s glory. The night sky is meant to remind us that we ought to live for His glory and not ours.

This experience also calms my soul because I am reminded of how great my God is. Since, my God is so great, I have no reason to be afraid and dismayed. My God is not just a God who sits, relaxes, and watches from heaven but He is a God who is intimately acquainted with His creation. He sustains, directs, and governs every detail that is happening. And since this awesome God is the one responsible for this, our hearts should be at peace knowing that our lives are in the hands of our loving Father.