God is faithful even though I am not

I know that I fail God every day. I disobey Him. I sin against Him. I break His heart. I commit spiritual adultery. I exchange Him with other “lovers” that could never satisfy the longing of my heart.

Each day is just a testament to how I need rescue from my sinful self. Each day points to the humbling reality that I need to remind myself of what my Savior Jesus did for me; He lived for my righteousness and died for my freedom from punishment. Each day is a brand-new opportunity to seek forgiveness from God and ask Him to cleanse me from all my unrighteousness. Each day is a means to be grateful for everything He did for me, even though I do not deserve any of it. Each day is a reminder of how God picks me up every time I fall. Each day is a means to be transformed to His likeness by His grace.

As each day passes by, I become more and more aware of how hopeless and helpless I am apart from the grace of God. Left to my own, I would just want to live sinfully. But because of grace, God gives me the means to live for Someone bigger than me; the Person who could not be contained by the universe because He is just so staggeringly and infinitely vast. I do not mean to say I do not mess up anymore because I certainly have. What I mean to say is life is so much better because of the grace to live for the One whom I am created for. Living for Him is my life’s purpose and design. A life not in accordance to that is a life of dissatisfaction and emptiness because it’s not what life is.

Praise God that even though I am unfaithful, my God is not. His faithfulness does not depend on my failures and sins. His faithfulness depends on who I am in Christ – a child of God. My Father will never stop loving me and showering His love upon me because He treats me as He treats Christ. That’s the beauty of being in Christ. Despite my wickedness and sinfulness, God is still faithful to me. He will never cease to be faithful. He will fulfill His promises to me because it is anchored to Christ and not on my flimsiness.

I do not mean to say that the faithfulness of God is a reason for me to abuse His goodness in my life. What I am trying to get at is that, despite my unfaithfulness, God always welcomes me with arms wide open. Therefore, I should be grateful to Him and be all the more concerned about how I could serve Him to the best of my ability for His glory and the good of others.