Be grateful for what is there

There are times in our lives when we do not appreciate the blessings God has given us because we focus on what is not there rather than what is there. We observe the lives of others and it would seem theirs are better than ours. We realize that they have some blessings that we do not have. We become blind to the fact that God has also blessed us in numerous ways if we just become grateful for what is there.

Truly, comparison robs us of the joy that we ought to experience if we are just to be grateful for the blessings we have received from God. Let us discipline our hearts to see God’s hands of favor in everything rather than to sulk over the things that God has not given us.

God sovereignly superintends by His hand of providence everything that is happening to our lives. There are so many blessings I ought to thank God for: from the moment He wakes me up until He lets me sleep, for the safety of going to work and coming back home, for the daily food for me and my family, for the shelter, for the clothing, and most of all for the wonderful gift of salvation that I have through Christ. God is working so many things in our lives, yet we are only aware of very few of them. So, let us develop hearts that are better aware of God’s kindness towards us by being more attuned to His works and ways in our lives.

And as I focus on being grateful for what is mine, the blessings of God become more valuable and the Blesser becomes more gracious. So, let us train our hearts to focus on what is there, knowing that God has richly provided all we need. Let us make it a habit to be intentional in saying a prayer of gratitude every day for the ways God has graciously blest us, especially the greatest blessing that we could have: eternal life through faith in Christ.