Where do we run to?

Where do we run to when troubles arise? Do we try to navigate our problems using our own wisdom and strength? Who is the first person who comes into our minds whenever distress falls upon us? Is God truly our Help at times of trouble? Or is God our last Resort when all else fails?

Maybe, we run to people, thinking that their presence and love could save us from our misery. In a sense, we functionally make them our personal savior. But, sooner or later, we realize that they can not bear the weight of our deepest longings. Only Jesus can satisfy our soul’s hunger and thirst.

Maybe, we try to escape our problems by numbing ourselves with entertainment. Playing games. Watching movie after movie. Scrolling social media to forget our troubles. But, sooner or later, we realize that it’s inevitable that we will still face our problems because it really never go away. Amazingly, God is sovereign over our problems. He is our true and secure Refuge. Even though, we do not have the guarantee that our problems will go away, we have the heart-steadying assurance that God is with us and He grants peace to those whose minds are fixed on Him.

Maybe, we try to seek food or sex because it could temporarily fight off pain with the pleasure it brings. Sadly, we know it could never satisfy the eternal ache that hearts are longing. These things temporarily bring pleasure, but after that, we are left empty again. Wonderfully, Christ is the Bread of Life who promises everlasting fullness to those who receive of Him.

Maybe, we rely on ourselves, thinking that our wisdom, gifts, and resources are sufficient to rid all the problems we are facing. But, sooner or later, we are faced with something that is beyond what we have. Praise God that these things happen for us to renounce confidence in ourselves and run to God who is sufficient to help us in times of need.

In every bad thing that is happening to us, let us make God our first Refuge and not our last Resort. He is in control over every trouble, problem, distress, and pain. His presence is the true comfort that we need. His power is the true enablement we desperately lack. He alone could powerfully deliver, protect, and lead us because He is our Salvation, Stronghold, and Shepherd. May we run to God and God alone. He is the true Refuge of those whose citizenship is in heaven yet who are pilgrims here on earth.