When Self-Pity Sets In

There are times when I wallow in self-pity. There are times that I say bad things to myself. “I am useless.” “I am hopeless.” “I am disqualified.” I entertain these thoughts in my mind and there are times when self-pity wins. When it wins, I miss the blessings that God has in store for me. I miss ministry opportunities because I think I am not qualified for the task. I know I am not alone in my season of self-pity because I know that there are lots of people who share the same experience.

What do we do when self-pity sets in?

When these thoughts take over my mind, I turn to the cross of Christ. Let us turn to the cross of Christ. God shows us how valuable we are when He sent His Son to die in our place. We are infinitely precious because it took the precious blood of Christ to pay our ransom. Thoughts related to self-pity fade away in light of the cross of Jesus.

Let us also remind ourselves of God’s providence. When I feel hopeless, I have a gracious God who is in control over all things for His glory and my good. He has arranged every detail in my life in such a way that even bad things turn out for my good.

Let us also focus on God’s overflowing grace. When I feel useless, I remind myself that God uses weak and flawed people like me to showcase His power and grace. His grace enables me to do what He has prepared for me to do. I just need to surrender my life in His hands and allow Him to use my life as He will.

Let us also focus on the righteousness of Christ. It’s comforting that God will not judge me based on my performance because I am accepted based on the perfect performance of Christ alone. Thoughts that make me put down myself do not really matter because it’s God’s perspective of me that matters. And He sees me as perfect because I am covered by the perfection of Christ which I received through faith.