When I am at a loss for words

There are days when I do not know what to write about. There are times when I think that I have written so much about a particular topic already or that the topics that I have written are so interrelated that I need to think of other new things to write about. When these thoughts come in my mind, I should remind myself that God is my ultimate Audience in my writing and His glory should be my motivation in my writing.

What amazes me is when I start to write, thoughts flow in my mind. There are people who say that writing helps them think better. That is the case that is applicable for me as well. So, when I am at a loss for words, I just continue to write, praying that God will help me in this task which I offer to Him.

Reading also helps. Reading articles, books, and especially God’s word. There are always things that will strike my heart in my reading. There are always things that will make me praise God, will burden my heart, and will give me insight and wisdom. In light of that, I could use what I read for the things that I will write about in the future. So, let us read, not for the sake of knowledge, but for us to know God more and love others better. Let us fill our heart with good things so that we would have something to share to others. In my case, my reading fuels my writing.

When I am at a loss for words, observing the world and listening from the people around me really helps. Knowing the struggles of others make me want to address those struggles in writing. This is a helpful practice so that I would already have a working knowledge of what to say if there’s an opportunity for me to counsel a person. I have noticed that the writers that I have read are really observant. They have honed this skill and integrated it in their writing. I also want to do the same so that my writing would be more experiential rather than theoretical. After all, writing that is grounded on life’s experience makes it relatable to the readers.

Most importantly, let us beg God for words and thoughts. He is our Giver and Enabler. We write because He empowers us to write. May we acknowledge our inadequacy before God knowing that apart from Him, we can do nothing. And let us ask for His grace, to help us think and write in a manner pleasing to Him for His glory and the good of others.

Author: justinmykoagpangan

I don't know where to pour out my thoughts so I've decided to pour it out on my blog posts. I want to encourage and enlighten people through my blog posts so I really hope that I'd be a blessing to you as the reader. I just want also to take this opportunity to say how much I appreciate the people who have read my blog posts. Thank you in advance! :) Feel free to comment your questions, criticisms, and encouragements. I'd really appreciate it.

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