Devo (2): Speak Life

 Scripture reading: Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. (Eph. 4:29)

Observation: The apostle Paul commands us that no corrupting talk should come out of our mouths. The word corrupting in greek is σαπρός, pronounced as sapros, which means rotten, corrupt, bad, worthless. This is an adjective and is used for fruits and trees. This word is also used in a a moral sense. If we come to think, rotten fruits are discarded by people. They don’t want to eat it because it is rotten. It’s also same with rotten words. People would be avoid you and would not want to receive your words because it is rotten. It could also be interpreted in a moral sense as it relates to the effect of one’s soul. We are moral beings who have a soul. And, our soul is being affected base on our morality. There are words that corrupt our soul especially if the words said to a person entice sinful imaginations and ignite sinful emotions. It could be words that contribute to lust, anger, malice, hatred, divisions, and all the bad things. It could also refer to speaking nonsense and worthless words that do not add value to a person’s life. Some people speak words with no caution. They just speak for the speak of speaking. Most of the times, because of carelessness, we always speak worthless things.

The apostle then contrasts the words that should only come out of our mouths. What we say should build up a person and should be spoken on the right occasion. It should edify the person. It should encourage. It should be a means for the person to improve, be comforted, and be strengthened. It should also be spoken at the right time. People say that the right words spoken at the wrong time are not beneficial. Timing is really crucial. The circumstance should be considered as we speak the things that we think are good and helpful. People usually don’t listen to advices no matter how good it is because it’s untimely spoken. As we try to speak good, helpful, and timely words, the apostle said that it will give grace to those who hear. Do we not want to be a blessing to people as we speak to them? Do we not want others to experience grace through our words? The ways of the flesh and the patterns of the world in conversations are already so downgrading, noisy, self-centered, and worthless. Let us be the kind of people who speak life and light in this dead and dark world. And how do we do that? We speak good words that builds up at the right moment. As we do that, grace is inevitably received and experienced by others through our words.

Application: Before engaging in conversations with other people, may we have a heart that prays and seeks to bless and give grace to all the people whom we talk to. We could ask ourselves filter questions in light of the verse discussed. Is it good? Is it helpful? (edifying or that which builds up) Is it necessary? (fit for occasion). How many arguments would be avoided if we would pause and ask ourselves these questions before speaking? How many people won’t get hurt with our words but instead be blessed?

Prayer: “Heavenly Father, forgive us for speaking death instead of life, for contributing to the corruption of one’s soul instead of the cleansing of one’s soul, and for downgrading instead of building up others. We will all be accountable with every worthless words we say on judgment day. So, we pray that You would enable us by the power of the Holy Spirit to speak what is good, helpful, and necessary. We want to be a blessing to other people as we talk to them. Make us people who give grace to others through our words because we are recipients of God’s grace in the gospel of Jesus Christ. In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray. Amen”

Author: justinmykoagpangan

I don't know where to pour out my thoughts so I've decided to pour it out on my blog posts. I want to encourage and enlighten people through my blog posts so I really hope that I'd be a blessing to you as the reader. I just want also to take this opportunity to say how much I appreciate the people who have read my blog posts. Thank you in advance! :) Feel free to comment your questions, criticisms, and encouragements. I'd really appreciate it.

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