Devo (22): Hunger and Thirst

Scripture reading: 35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. (John 6:35)

Observation: Jesus claimed that He is the bread of life. He claimed that whoever comes to Him shall not hunger and whoever believes in Him shall never thirst. Bread and water are basic commodities we could not live without. Bread here symbolizes food at the time of Jesus. Jesus claims that we could not live without Him. True life is only found in Him. Apart from Him, we remain dead in our sins and trespasses. (Eph. 2:1)

Whenever we eat bread, it is inevitable that we would hunger after it is digested in our stomach and after a considerable amount of time. But Jesus is different, when we come to Him and receive Him as Lord and Savior of our lives, He fulfills our spiritual hunger. Our spirit won’t hunger anymore because it has now been united to the true source of spiritual nourishment. Our spirits are made to be fed and quenched by Jesus. Our souls are made to run in Jesus. Jesus is the fuel that propels us towards worship to God.

Whenever we drink water, it is also inevitable after a considerable amount of time that we would get thirsty and would want to drink water again to quench our physical thirst. But Jesus is different, when we come to Him and receive Him as Lord and Savior of our lives, He quenches our spiritual thirst. All of us hunger and thirst for something. Since we are sinners by nature and by choice, we try to satisfy our hunger and thirst for things aside from God: relationships, money, career, achievements, sex, pleasure, validation, power, beauty, and so forth. These things always leave us more hungry and more thirsty than ever before. These things could never satisfy the void in our hearts. The One who could only satisfy our hunger and quench our thirst is the One who made our souls. And we would never be full, complete, and satisfied until our souls find their satisfaction in Jesus.

Application: Let us stop looking at the things in this world to fulfill our hunger and thirst. Temporary satisfaction is all that this world could ever offer. And we would keep wanting for more and sadly, these things will always fail to give the satisfaction, hunger, and thirst that we are looking for. Only Jesus can forever fill our hunger and forever quench our thirst. He will satisfy our hunger and thirst and it would seem like we have found what we have been looking for in Jesus because He is truly the Answer that we are looking for. Let us come to Jesus and forsake worldly and sinful satisfaction. He is the Maker of our Souls and our Souls won’t be satisfied until we receive Him as our supreme Satisfaction.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we are sorry for searching and looking for other things aside from You. We are guilty of filling the hunger and thirst in our souls with money, power, fame, sex, pleasure, achievements, education, and all the idols that take Your place in our hearts. Holy Spirit, empower us to turn away from these temporary things and help our souls to turn towards You. You are our true and lasting Satisfaction. Our souls are meant to be united in You. Jesus, we come to You alone knowing that You alone can fully feed our hunger and truly quench our thirst forever. May we never ever ever lose sight of You. In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.

Author: justinmykoagpangan

I don't know where to pour out my thoughts so I've decided to pour it out on my blog posts. I want to encourage and enlighten people through my blog posts so I really hope that I'd be a blessing to you as the reader. I just want also to take this opportunity to say how much I appreciate the people who have read my blog posts. Thank you in advance! :) Feel free to comment your questions, criticisms, and encouragements. I'd really appreciate it.

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