8 Reasons Why I Love to Write

Writing (blogging in this case) has benefited me in so many ways. In this article, I want to lay out the reasons why I love to write. I hope that I could encourage people to write as well even though it’s not on a blog site. A piece of paper, notebooks, and journals might do the work for you. On my part, I prefer to write blogs because I often misplace my journal and notebooks. On top of that, I think blogsites have a larger storage capacity as compared to other mediums. Anyway, let us go back to the reasons why I love to write.

The first and primary reason is that it is my way to worship and give glory to God. It is my hope that blogs on this site give glory to God and edify others. It is my prayer that God would use these blogs to impact the life of the readers and give Him glory.

The second reason I could think of is that writing gives me pleasure. Eric Liddell said, “God made me fast. And when I run, I feel his pleasure.” When I write, I could relate to this quote experientially. In writing, I also feel God’s pleasure. It’s one of the best feelings I have in any given time of the week. That’s why I try to write as often as I could because it is at those times that I feel more of God’s grace working through me as He empowers me every time I write.

The third reason is that writing is therapeutic for me. Writing gives me an avenue to not just keep my thoughts and feelings to myself but to let them out through the blogs I write. It gives me a productive way of letting my burdens out. Every time I finish writing the things that concern me, I feel that the heavy load on my shoulders is lifted up.

The fourth reason is that writing helps me organize and de-clutter my thoughts. I am one of the people whose highly disorganized (though I try to be organized). Writing really helped me organized my thoughts in a more sequential and connected manner (though there are still more rooms for improvement).

The fifth reason is that writing helps me think clearly. I can communicate easier in writing than in speaking. There are topics which I find a hard time communicating in person but I would find the words to say in writing because I could think clearer and better in writing.

The sixth reason is that writing helps me become a better listener and a better observer. Writing reminds me that I do not have the monopoly of experiences and stories; it reminds me that there are a thousand experiences and stories out there that are waiting to be listened to and from which I could benefit from. It helps me become a better observer as well regarding the people around me and the events that are happening in the world because I know that the things that I have observed from them could be used to supplement the things I believe as true. The things that I believe in would be well-supported by real life-experiences, events, and situations.

The seventh reason is that writing helps me remember. There are times that I forget things easily. Writing is one of the ways that I have a record of the events that happen in my life and the lessons associated with it. It not just helps me remember events and accompanying lessons but it also helps me recall the valuable lessons that I have in life.

The eighth reason is that writing helps me solidify my stand on a particular matter. Writing helps me solidify or strengthen my understanding of particular topics. Since writing forces me to think of ways to make rational and clearer points about the things I believe in, it consequently solidifies my understanding of a particular subject matter. It is my prayer that the things that I write will be etched by God in my heart. Writing, when used amazingly by God, does that kind of work.

For now, these are the eight reasons I could think of. I hope that it has blest you and it has also encouraged you to write. I hope that in all things, even in writing, that God alone would be glorified and the others would be edified.